10 June 2008

Where are my darn ruby slippers?

I'm really homesick, I just want to go home and ride my bicycle and speak english and run without worried about becoming roadkill and hug my cat and work in a lab with all the people I like and miss.

Last night on my run, I noticed lots of feral kids. You know what I mean by feral kids? Kids who wear new "vintage" Misfit t-shirts, who hang out at 10 pm on a street sidewalk in their $90 shoes and expensive bicycles, who may try to smoke because it looks cool, who probably are a lot nicer than we think they are-if given half a chance. Looking like a bunch of trouble, but generally quite harmless. I hung out with the feral kids in middle school because we were all in orchestra and nobody else would talk with nerdy me. They were my rock, my courage, my place to go for fun or someone to talk to.

So, when you see feral kids....I would advice a friendly smile, and a private snicker about their cluelessness about the Misfits.


Hyperion said...

You sound like you live in a retirement home.

Go Join those kids!

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Heh. Maybe I should change the name of the Den to Grumpy Old Lady.