Er, no. This is not an open letter to La Spears, although recent events certainly merit a discussion on the pros and cons of undergarments.
This is an open letter, nay, a plea to you parents who think that kids do not need hat, scarves or gloves when it's 22F (-5C), and the wind chill makes it feel like 7F (-12C).
So it's very very cold this morning, wind blowing. I'm freezing cold, and I'm all bundled up in buttoned coat, hat, gloves, scarf. I pass by two "mommies" with very many children.
None (NONE!) of their kiddos had on hat or scarf, and their jackets were left open. I was in total horror-what an oversight and I was really concerned how cold the kids looked.
Did these ladies know better? I really did wonder. So, in pirate form, I muttered "hat?...scarf?" and continued skulking about. I doubt they heard me, but it made me feel better that I did say something.
So...comment y'all. Was I inappropriate?
(9 Dec 06-thanks to Mad Sweeney for making me realize that the connotation of some of my phrases and/or words was...inappropriate, at best. Edits have been made!)