04 December 2006

International Pussy of Mystery

Heh. Sometimes I'm not above creating sensational titles on my blog entries in a desperate attempt to attract more readers.
But, I'm actually talking about Howie Katt-who will be travelling with me during the holidays. Ohhhh the lil critter so does not like the car but I think that once he settles in, he'll be just fine. We'll be trekking up to the Great White North too, so he'll be officially more well-travelled than most 'Mericans. Not that there's anything wrong with a bit o' xenophobia.

I'm trying to become more "involved" in local politics, and thinking that the combination of my super smarts and super slackerhood will be a killer 1-2 punch (the effect from all my push-up bras makes for a nice 3-4 encore..heh.). They'll never know what hit 'em. Muahahahahahah. I look at it as a modest first step to world domination. Joking aside, I am taking the position seriously and the fact that I'll need to step up to the plate and hit a 1-3 minute *speech* is making me nervous. Maybe I should quote Aeschylus? Maybe I'm doing this because I see a lack of civility in politics, that our leaders are worse slackers that I am, that maybe I can make a difference through kindness and understanding and competence. So, I'm preparing an email letter to send out to the folks who will elect the officers. Eeek.

:) LJS


Sparky Duck said...

sheesh, what could you be running for??

On a side note, Michigan got really really really screwed and didnt even get candy.

tiff said...

You're a pirate. Pirates don't DO nice or inclusive.

What are you THINKING, woman?

Get out the eyepatch and cutlass and come out SWINGING!

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

You're totally right Tiff, as usual. Heyyy...are you...MOM...is that you??? I am being a bit catty in my letter, and bragging about my mad skills with a spreadsheet.

Sparky, we didn't get anything. Boo hiss.