10 October 2006

Bear Market

This post is to solicit ideas from the Monkey Barners about giving our new Bearverlord a proper (and warm) welcome back to the Monkey Barn. For those Barners who don't visit my den (a thousand whip lashings and a walk on the plank for you!) er...I'll be finding them and letting them know my evil plan.
Some of my ideas are: Top 10 lists, a "Bear" day on the Barn, Bear recipes, an ASKHAT perhaps devoted to figuring out why grown men are still attached to their teddy bears or team mascots, cute and fuzzy pictures of teddy bears. Or...maybe this adorable little critter?

After a few weeks of being away, I am back! Blogger beware! Muhahahaha!
:) LJS

1 comment:

tiff said...

Dude - I'll do whatever.

You know, "Bear"in the gay lingo means a fot hairy dude who's usually into the leather scene.

Let's get a picture of that!