04 February 2006

Beta Version: Bio-mechanics

I never start writing papers, grants etc in a form that is suitable for public viewing. My 'beta versions' are just a fun way to get out of my head: my thoughts, sarcasm and the initial pessimism that always accompanies the onset of my projects. Stream-of-consciousness grant writing anyone? Some projects lend themselves better to 'beta version' treatment than others. OK, who am I kidding? All of my projects are totally snark-a-rific. (you like the new word Pancho?)
Enjoy. :) kd

We will use the Raman microscope as described above to probe for chemical responses to mechanical pressure on femur condyle heads. A loading device was designed in-house by someone who is obviously not an engineer, because I had to redesign the femur insert and how it was loaded onto the device. And I'm so not an engineer either but at least I know to make the holes big enough for the sample. Apparently, I'm going to add a weight on one end of said device and the other end (where the femur is) is going to "experience" a force that's 4X the weight. How we'll quantify the force that the femur is "experiencing" was apparently not thought of by the wunder-kind designer. However, there is a transducer that I can purchase. Basically the mechanical stuff is, in my humble opinion, just something I'm doing to make my co-advisor happy. I have no hope, trust, or optimism that we'll see the changes in the cartilage because a) I've shown that we're not looking at cartilage, but rather the subchondral bone and b) the forces that we're theoretically applying is not enough to induce damage. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I have any optimism with regards to my project.


1 comment:

Hyperion said...

"Probing Femurs" would make a good band name.