15 January 2007

Animation, suspended

We had a wicked ice storm last night and a branch fell off near my place. Nice chance for photos, and I'm thankful that the branch didn't fall into my window. Enjoy! :) LJS


Anonymous said...

Wow, Lady Jane! You got ice last night and the Lake Michigan coast got about 4-5 inches of snow!

Which makes a lot of sense, since it's January and we've only had one significant snow this winter...

Crazy about the branch! Glad you didn't get more damage!

Anonymous said...

Those are very cool pictures. I can say this because I am sweating in the 60's at 11 pm and not fighting an ice storm.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! West MI only got enough weather to shovel once and send hundreds of idiots into the ditch. Momentary prettiness - good job getting it on camera!

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

I'm glad that Western MI didn't get as much snow as "they" predicted. It's still cold enough that all the ice is still on the branches and it's really pretty.