28 January 2007


I thought about this on my long run yesterday, the idea of committing to doing something. My mom used to (and probably still does) say that "don't do it half-assed", and I think that the work ethic stuck with me. I try not to commit to anything, be it work or leisure, if I can't do it whole-heartedly. I'm sure that most of y'all are like that too.
So, it grinds my teeth to no end to hear people saying that other commitments prevent you from doing something you said you'd do. In other words, your commitments are preventing you from following up your commitment. Sounds rather mental eh?
From M.D.'s to No D's, I've heard the reason/excuse of "I'm so busy" in regards to why they are shirking their duties in other arenas. Honestly, I don't give a damn how busy you are. You promised or committed yourself to do something and you should a) follow up on your promise or b) be man/woman enough to say "I'm sorry, I can't do it". Even if that commitment is something as inane as posting on a community blog, it's still a commitment.
Yeah, it may be *just* a blog and maybe I'm taking it way too seriously, but when I was asked to be on the Barn, I said "yes" because I knew that it'd be fun and that I would do my best to play by Hypey's rules.


tiff said...

You try having a job and getting married and having a baby and see if you can keep posting your stupid links and observations!

Just TRY it!

My name is Comet. Call me Boraxo.


For the record - I have a job, a house, 2 children, a spuse, 2 dogs, a cat, a 50-minute commute, and still have the 5 minutes it takes to put up a stupid link.

Grrrrrrrrr......I hear ya!

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Muhahahaha. Awesomely evil satire there Tiff!
BTW, you totally rock! You do way better than just put up a stupid link. Your blog is a way of life, people rely on it like their morning cup of coffee. Well, at least I do.